

1177 Uppsatser om Mutant Prevention Concentration - Sida 1 av 79

Dose-related selection of Pradofloxacin resistant Escherichia coli

The study evaluated the Mutant Prevention Concentration (MPC) of Pradofloxacin on three Escherichia coli (E.coli) strains, 2 wildtypes and one first-step gyrA resistant mutant. We also measured the value of AUC (Under the Concentration)/MPC that prevents growth of resistant mutants. It is of importance to reach a concentration above MPC that prevent E.coli from developing resistance against the antibiotic.We used an in vitro kinetic model where we added bacteria? and antibiotic. The culture flask was attached to a pump with an adjustable pump-speed.

Distriktssköterskans prevention - omfattning av prevention och dokumentation

Studies in Sweden have shown that the districtnurses had no time for health promotion. The Swedish government also indicate that there is a lack of health promotion and preventive care in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to describe into which extent the districtnurses in the middle and southwest area of Region Skåne worked with preventive care in their profession and into which extent they documented their achievement. The inquiry was answered by 45 districtnurses about background, present situation, preventive care, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, health promotion and documentation. Results of this study shows that the districtnurses worked mostly with tertiary prevention.

Koncentrationssvårigheter hos barn i förskolan. : En intervjustudie om hur pedagoger i förskolan gör för att träna barn med koncentrationssvårigheter att bibehålla sin koncentration.

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how preschool teachers are doing to train children with concentration difficulties to maintain their concentration. That children with concentration difficulties increases is something that emerged in this study. In order to facilitate and help these children in the best possible way, you have to know the underlying causes and the factors that contribute to lack of concentration.Iam usinga qualitativeinterview method withsemi-structuredquestions to getanswersto my questions.Threeteachers fromtwodifferent preschoolsparticipated in the survey. What emerged in the study was that large groups of children, long days at preschool and today?s society with stress are major causes contributing to the increasing number of children with concentration difficulties according those interviewed. The teachersworkedprimarilyonan individualizedmannerin which theyassumed thatallchildrenare different andreact differently to theimpressions andstimulipresent in the environment.

Utomhuspedagogikens påverkan på barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : En intervjustudie ur förskollärarperspektiv

Children with concentration difficulties are to a great extent a problem in schools and therefore it becomes interesting to see how possibilities around these children can appear in pre-school. From a pre-school teacher?s perspective, the study aims to provide a deeper understanding of how outdoor education can influence children with concentration difficulties. The method of the study is a qualitative research run-up with interviews that intends to describe pre-school teachers? views.

Kan kväve bevaras i dräneringsvatten från åkermarksom lagras i dammar? : ett laboratorieförsök

The aim of this thesis was to examine if it is possible to keep nitrogen in the form of nitrate(NO3-) in ponds from one season to another by keeping a high concentration of oxygen in thepond water. This hypothesis was tested by doing a lab experiment where two systems werecompared according to nitrate concentration. One system had high concentration of oxygen inthe water and one had low concentration of oxygen. Before the main experiment wasconducted I did a pilot study to test the system setup and included parameters. The result fromthis study and the main study did not show the same result.

Drogförebyggande arbete riktat mot barn och ungdom : Vad som görs i skola och kommun i två kommuner i Skåne

This paper is about drug prevention. In my paper the aim is to examine when, where and how the drug prevention work, by law, is being realized, on local levels, in school and municipality, towards youth.My central questions are among others: What does it imply, how the municipality and school value the drug prevention work?, Which prevention programs do the municipality and school use? and Does the drug prevention work give any results? The method I've been using is qualitative interviews and studies of literature and research.The main results I gained with my studie are, that the work of politicians is not in phase with the development in society. And in spite of the fact that drug prevention programs are used, the young ones are using drugs and alcohol more than ever..

En vetenskaplig essä om utomhuspedagogikens möjligheter och svårigheter för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

This scientific essay is based on four self-perceived situations that all takes place in an outdoor environment. The children are aged seven to nine years. At least one of the children in the groups has some type of concentration difficulties. I have combined my practical experience with literature and previous research regarding outdoor education and children with concentration difficulties. Based on this I have tried to interpret and reflect on the opportunities and problems with outdoor education for children with concentration difficulties, especially so called situational concentration difficulties.

Undersökning av affinitet till TS1-218, TS1-2182 och HE1-Q enkelkedjeantikroppar i multicellulära tumörsfäroider cytokeratin 8 för TS1-218, TS1-2182 och HE1-Q enkelkedjeantikroppar i multicellulära tumörsfäroider

In vitro-test för upptäckt och behandling av tumör eller mikrometastaser har de senaste 30 åren gjort stora framsteg tack vare immunokemi och nya framgångsrika cellodlings- tekniker som bättre reproducerar celltillväxt i tre dimensioner (3D) och det omgivande stromat (multicellulär tumörsfäroidodling). TS1-218 scFv (single chain variable fragment) är en monoklonal antikropp som har affinitet till ett protein tillhörande cytoskelettet (cytokeratin). Av TS1-218 har skapats olika varianter (en dimer TS1-2182 och en mutant HE1-Q) med syftet att öka affinitet och retentionstid på platsen för dess verkan. I det här projektet försökte vi att testa och jämföra egenskaper hos alla 3 joderade antikropparna genom att inkubera odlade Hela Hep 2 tumörcellssfäroider med dessa antikroppar. Alla tre antikroppsvarianter visade god förmåga att penetrera sfäroider och att binda deras epitop i cytokeratin 8.

Studies of the role of tRNA-isopentenyl-transferases in the formation of cytokinins

Plant tRNA isopentenyltransferases (tRNA-IPT, EC have two roles, modification of tRNA and contribution to cytokinin synthesis. tRNA-IPT is among the best studied of the tRNA-modifying enzymes, but little biochemical information is available and none for the plant enzymes. Therefore two sets of experiments were conducted. The first one aimed to determine the kinetics and substrate specificity of the tRNA-IPT AtIPT2 from the higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The second project aimed to study the role of IPTs from the moss Physcomitrella patens in the production of cytokinin hormones.

Elevers  koncentrationsförmåga under matematiklektioner på förmiddagar och eftermiddagar

This project has aim to examine how students experience their concentration ability during mathematics lessons in the mornings and afternoons, and how students? learning can be in-fluenced by the concentration ability during mathematics lesson in the morning and after-noons respectively? Which role do the methods of learning play in mathematic depending on which time it is carried out during mornings or afternoons with regard to student concentra-tion ability? In order to find out those issues, I used two methods; (interview and observa-tion).Interview with 4 students and 3 teachers and observations of 4 mathematics lessons based on a qualitative method. In order to measure students' concentration ability during ma-thematics education on various times, I distributed questions to 23 students and repeated it during each lesson that I have observed from a quantitative approach in two classes in a sec-ondary school. In the literature I discuss the definition of concentration, and factors affecting the concentration negatively and positively. What is the relationship between concentration, learning and type of activity and how individuals can improve their learning and attention? In addition I studied two earlier studies on the concentration.

Fysisk aktivitet för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

Abstract This examination work is about the role of physical activity for students with concentration difficulties. The purpose of this work is to describe educators experiences of how students with concentration difficulties are affected by physical and motor activity during school-time in primary school. In the work I assume from my questions that are: How do educators experience students with concentrations difficulties? Do educators think physical and motor training during school-time matter for the students learning processes? How? Do students with concentration difficulties have other possibilities than other students regarding physical and motor activity during school-time? I am using a qualitative interview method for answering my questions. The interviews are conducted in collaboration with three educators in a medium-sized Swedish F-6 school.

Kloridhalter i gran utmed en depositionsgradient för havssalter :

The knowledge of the chloride content and its fluxes and patterns in trees is insufficient. Increased knowledge would be desirable, one of many reasons is to be able to more efficiently meet the problems that the substance causes in the pulp industry. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the chloride concentration of Norwegian spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) in the south of Sweden. Furthermore the aim was to be able to predict chloride concentration from readily measurable site factors.

Fetma och dess konsekvenser : preventionsprogram eller gastric bypass operation?

Fetman i Sverige har under de senaste två decennierna ökat kraftigt. Till följd av detta är hälsokostnaderna relaterat till fetma ansenliga och förväntas öka ytterligare om ingenting görs åt problemet. I denna studie studeras prevention och gastric bypass som alternativa behandlingsmetoder mot fetma sett ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Tre hypotetiska kohorter utvecklas; status quo, effektiv prevention i ungdomsåren samt individer som utvecklar svår fetma opereras med gastric bypass. Dessa kohorter följs under åldern 20-64 år där kostnader och effekter observeras med hjälp av en beslutsträdsmodell.

Barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : Om förhållningssätt och bemötande

Concentration problems have been discussed from a variety of angles and have been problemized in different ways. One approach is to place the major part of the problem on the child independent of its environment. The terms used as an explanatory model are ?attention disorder, impulsiveness, difficulty at finding suitable activity levels, difficulty in understanding rules and instructions? (Kadesjö 2007). Others place the root of the problem in the environment prevalent at pre-school and school.

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